On Thursday 12 May at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (DIISM) of the Marche Polytechnic University will take place the inauguration of the "B+ Laboratory of Excellence". The center, which is part of the Prima Open Additive Labs network, will be mainly dedicated to additive manufacturing and other innovative technologies for manufacturing, quality control, and reverse engineering, with the aim of increasing the use of these technologies in companies in the national territory and beyond.
Among the main industrial sectors to which the activities of the B+ Laboratory of Excellence are aimed are the automotive, aerospace, oil & gas, in addition to training activities aimed at creating professionals specialized in the use of these technologies.
The center is equipped with two Prima Additive systems: a Print Sharp 250 with Powder Bed Fusion technology and a LASERDYNE® 430 with Direct Energy Deposition technology.
For Prima Additive, Paolo Calefati (CEO) and Eleonora Marino (Head of the Prima Open Additive project) will participate. This is the program of the opening day:
10:00 - Registration of participants
11:00 am - Institutional greetings
Rector, Gian Luca Gregori
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Maurizio Bevilacqua
11:10 am - Workshop
Department of Excellence project - Michele Germani, DIISM – UNIVPM
Identity of the laboratory - Sara Carbonari, DIISM – UNIVPM
B+ Laboratory of Excellence - Eleonora Santecchia, DIISM - UNIVPM
11:45 am - Technologies and innovation
Additive Technologies - Paolo Calefati and Eleonora Marino, Prima Additive
Quality Control Technologies - Filippo Paccassoni, Carl Zeiss
Prototyping and Non-destructive Evaluation - Edoardo Della Santa, DIISM – UNIVPM
Tech Transfer & Venture Building - Gianluca Grifi, EIT Manufacturing
12:30 pm - Conclusions
Discussion, interventions, and final greetings
12:45 pm – Visit
Visit to the laboratory with B+ and Light Lunch with PhD students
The event will be held in the Polo Monte d’Ago’s Aula Azzurra. Due to the continuing anti-Covid restrictions, the capacity of the room is limited, and the seats are sold out.
However, it will be possible to follow the event via Zoom through a link that will be shared the day before the event.