Additive Manufacturing

Manufacturing is changing radically!
Prima Additive specializes in the design and manufacture of machines that take advantage of the latest laser technology and applies it to metal 3D printing.
Prima Additive specializes in the design and manufacture of machines that take advantage of the latest laser technology and applies it to metal 3D printing.
The result? Manufacturing of three-dimensional parts with complex geometries created layer by layer from metal powder melted by an extremely accurate laser source, but also the option of repairing metal parts with high added value.
What you can do with Additive Manufacturing
Metal Additive Manufacturing, also known as Metal 3D Printing, is a technology used to produce three-dimensional parts formed layer by layer using a metal powder that is fused with a laser source.
Advantages of metal additive manufacturing
Prima Additive’s vision
Metal Additive Manufacturing is a profitable and reliable technology that relates to an innovative business model.
Feasibility assessment
Request a machine demo
Experience the power of additive manufacturing with Prima Additive. Book a demo and explore our cutting-edge solutions for industrial metal 3D printing. Our demo service is available to show you how our technologies can be adapted to your production needs.
Contact us today and try it!
Application support
Open innovation
Circular economy inspired
© Prima Additive S.r.l. | Corso Re Umberto, 54 - 10128 Torino (TO) Italia | Share Capital € 116.860,77 fully paid up | VAT 11434740012 - C.C.I.A.A.Torino 1213183 | Reg. Impr. Torino n. 11434740012
Company subject to direction and coordination of the shareholder PRIMA INDUSTRIE S.p.A., single-member company (ex art. 2497 C.C.)