Real DED Laser Head

Direct Energy Deposition technology
The innovative and effective deposition head
Direct Energy Deposition technology
The REAL_DED (Real-time Adaptive Laserbeam for Direct Energy Deposition) is a laser deposition head, developed and patented by Prima Additive, to increase the performance and efficiency of the deposition process and allow you to adapt the spot size of the laser beam in real time during the process without having to modify any mechanical components or optical configurations of the machine.
The technology behind the Real_DED head allows the spot size of the laser beam to be increased by at least 2 times the original size of the machine's fibre configuration. In this way, productivity of up to 100cm3/h can be achieved.
The head was entirely designed by Prima Additive, with the support of the other business units of the Prima Industrie group, Prima Electro and Convergent Photonics, and is also made with additive manufacturing using the Powder Bed Fusion technology of our machines.
Direct Energy Deposition technology
Direct Energy Deposition technology
Direct Energy Deposition Technology
Application support
Open innovation
Circular economy inspired
© Prima Additive S.r.l. | Corso Re Umberto, 54 - 10128 Torino (TO) Italia | Share Capital € 116.860,77 fully paid up | VAT 11434740012 - C.C.I.A.A.Torino 1213183 | Reg. Impr. Torino n. 11434740012
Company subject to direction and coordination of the shareholder PRIMA INDUSTRIE S.p.A., single-member company (ex art. 2497 C.C.)