Melting Pool Monitoring

Direct Energy Deposition technology
All controlled in real time
Direct Energy Deposition technology
Melt pool monitoring system, consisting of a high-speed camera, filters, mirrors and sensors for monitoring of the melt pool. Thanks to the modular design of our DED deposition head, this module can be easily integrated into the deposition head.
The purpose of the monitoring solution is to measure and monitor the size of the melt pool area in real time during powder deposition.
Software measures the size of the melt pool by analysing the infrared emission from the working area. The infrared camera works in open and closed circuit, managing the laser power during the process.
Direct Energy Deposition technology
Direct Energy Deposition technology
Direct Energy Deposition Technology
Application support
Open innovation
Circular economy inspired
© Prima Additive S.r.l. | Corso Re Umberto, 54 - 10128 Torino (TO) Italia | Share Capital € 116.860,77 fully paid up | VAT 11434740012 - C.C.I.A.A.Torino 1213183 | Reg. Impr. Torino n. 11434740012
Company subject to direction and coordination of the shareholder PRIMA INDUSTRIE S.p.A., single-member company (ex art. 2497 C.C.)