Additive manufacturing news
All the news from Prima Additive.
Read our news and find out how we contribute every day to the development of metal additive manufacturing worldwide and in every industrial sector.
Read our news and find out how we contribute every day to the development of metal additive manufacturing worldwide and in every industrial sector.
© Prima Additive S.r.l. | Corso Re Umberto, 54 - 10128 Torino (TO) Italia | Share Capital € 116.860,77 fully paid up | VAT 11434740012 - C.C.I.A.A.Torino 1213183 | Reg. Impr. Torino n. 11434740012
Company subject to direction and coordination of the shareholder PRIMA INDUSTRIE S.p.A., single-member company (ex art. 2497 C.C.)